M.C.B.A.’s  Meeting Minutes For

Dec. 3, 2002 @ 7:10 P.M.




Carla Beranek

John Beranek

Johnnie Culton

Gordy Hall

Lewis Jones Jr.

Everett King

Jack Noe

John Poynter

Breck Tyree

David Whittamore


Meeting Minutes


President John Beranek called the meeting of the M.C.B.A to order.  John then took roll; ten (10) of fifteen (15) directors were present.  John started the meeting by asking for a motion to dismiss three (3) directors from the board who have missed several meetings. John Poynter made a motion to dismiss the directors and got a second.  The motion passed 10-0.  John Beranek then asked for nominations for Vice President to finish Brian Dexter’s term.  Gordy Hall nominated David Whittamore to finish the Vice President’s term.  The nomination got a second and approved by the board 8-1.  John B. asked for a motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting.  A motion was made, seconded and passed 9-0.  John then asked for a report about upcoming tournaments.  John Poynter reported on the Double Sweeper set for the second Saturday of December.  He also talked about some other tournaments the association could hold on a bi-weekly basis.  Carla Beranek suggested holding the tournaments once a month and maybe down the road holding the tournaments twice a month.  After a short discussion John Beranek asked for a vote for holding the tournaments once or twice a month.  The members voted once a month over twice a month 7-2.  Carla B. told the members that our association should help the women’s association with the State Tournament to get experience if we get to hold the Ky. State Tournament.  The members discussed the Double Sweeper, went over the prize fee breakdown and the prize money for the tournament.  The members then went over the tournament rules.  Carla B. made a motion to accept the tournament rules.  The motion got a second and passed 7-0.  Distributing flyers for the tournaments was also discussed.  John told the members that the bowling centers holding the tournaments would be responsible for distributing the flyers to other centers.  Carla B. suggested holding the monthly tournaments on the 2nd Saturday of the month.  John P. made a motion to hold the tournaments on the 2nd Saturday of the month, got a second and passed 8-0.  John Beranek told the members a date needs to be set for the City Tournament.  The members discussed the best dates to hold the tournament.  The board decided on the first three (3) weekends of February.  John B. told the members a date needs to be set for the associations annual meeting.  Carla B. made a motion to hold the meeting on February 25, 2003 at 7:00 PM.  The motion got a second and passed 10-0.  The members discussed where to hold the annual meeting.  A motion was made for Ryan’s got a second and passed 8-0.  John B. asked if there were any new business to discuss.  John Poynter asked about a 700 board for Galaxy Center.  John also talked about a Hall Of Fame plague for Galaxy and Maroon Lanes and how to pay for the plague.  The board told the Hall Of Fame committee to come up with the criteria for nominees and the cost of the plagues needed for the bowling centers.  The board agreed to start meeting on the first Tuesday of each month.  The next meeting will be January 7, 2003 at 7:00 PM.  The meeting will be held at Maroon Lanes.  The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.



Lewis Jones Jr.

M.C.B.A. secretary