M.C.B.A.’s  Meeting Minutes For

September 2, 2003 @ 7:10 P.M.




Carla Beranek, John Beranek, Johnnie Culton, Eli Harness, Bev Ingram, Lewis Jones Jr., Jack Noe, Wayne Shofner, Michael (Spider) Weaver


Meeting Minutes


President John Beranek called the meeting of the M.C.B.A to order.  John took roll call and asked if the members needed the minutes read.  A motion was made to dismiss with the reading of the minutes.  The motion was seconded and passed.  John introduced Pam Endicott to the board.  She addressed the board about the local YABA program.  She said she would be interested in helping work with the local youth association.  Carla Beranek passed out a rough copy of the Ky State Tournament proposal she has been working on so the board could make changes for the final copy.  The board went over the proposal and discussed changes for the final copy.  John B. asked if the Tournament Committee had anything to report to the board.  Spider Weaver said the committee would work on a tournament for October.  Members discussed different types of tournaments like a no tap, doubles, doubles sweeper and fun types of tournaments.  The members also talked about how to bring more bowlers out to bowl in the tournaments.  Discussed newspaper ads, flyers, talking to bowlers and increasing prize money.  The board also discussed the upcoming Women’s State Tournament and talked about helping as official scorers.  The members also talked about bowlers who owe money to the leagues and having the league secretaries turn the bowlers names over to the board.  John B. asked for any new business.  Johnnie Culton said Everett King wanted to be removed from the board of directors.  A motion to remove Everett was made got a second and passed.  Spider asked if Jack Noe would like to address the board about the possibility of Maroon Lanes being sold.  Jack said there is nothing solid but if the lanes were sold it would be in the agreement that the lanes would remain open till June ’04.  Spider told the members we would have to have a Plan B ready if the lanes closed but could worry about that later.  The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.



Lewis Jones Jr.

M.C.B.A. secretary