M.C.B.A.’s  Meeting Minutes For

Aug. 5, 2003 @ 7:00 P.M.




Carla Beranek, John Beranek, Bill Bradley, Eli Harness, Bev Ingram, Lewis Jones Jr., Worth McGuire, Mike Moody, Harvey Poynter, John Poynter, Wayne Shofner, Breck Tyree and Michael (Spider) Weaver


Meeting Minutes


President John Beranek called the meeting of the M.C.B.A to order.  John took roll call then asked for a show of hands of association members who are interested in joining the board.  Michael Weaver, Harvey Poynter, Bill Bradley and Wayne Shofner were nominated and voted onto the board of directors.  John B. asked if members wanted to have the minutes read.  A motion to dismiss with the reading of the minutes got a second and passed.  John B. asked how the lane inspection of Galaxy and Maroon Lanes went.  It was reported that everything at Galaxy was all right and Maroon Lanes had foul light problems, which were to be fixed.  Bill Bradley spoke to the members about the Kentucky State Tournament.  He explained what would be expected of the association members to get the state tournament and host the tournament.  The board agreed to set a $20.00 entry fee for each event.  Bill told the members we need to get a host hotel: get rates and get a block of 25-30 rooms.  Also we would need to hold a buffet breakfast on the 7th of November 2004.   Carla Beranek suggested we divvy up the things we need to do in preparation for the state tournament bid.  John B. said we have two things left to do, contact the mayor’s office and check on hotels.  John Poynter said he would contact the mayor’s office and Carla would check with the hotels.  The members discussed giving persons who work the tournament incentives for their efforts.  Breck Tyree suggested doing something for the wives.  Carla suggested checking with the Chamber Of Commerce about getting packets with information on things that visitors could do in the Richmond area.  John B. said he would check on that.  Breck said he would check with Berea hotels and tourism.  Bill talked about using the Christmas tree oil pattern, to oil the lanes after each or every other game and using a one lane courtesy for the state tournament.  John B. asked if there was any other new business to discuss.  Then asked if there was any unfinished business.  John B. asked who would be interested in helping the women’s association with the women’s state tournament.  Carla said they needed help with taking care of scores.  She said we should talk to Margaret Tisley who is in charge of the scores.   Carla said she would have more information at our next meeting.  John B. asked Carla if she could get someone from the women’s association to come to our next meeting.  The board set the next meeting for Sept. 2, 2003 at 7:00 PM at Maroon Lanes.  John B. told the directors if they could not make the meeting to contact Lewis, John P. or himself.  The members discussed getting shirts for the new members.   Bill B. suggested we wear blazers if we host the state tournament.  He also said we could wear badges to identify who we are to the state bowlers.  Eli Harness asked if there was a book or something to explain what the members of committees are expected to do so they could be better prepared.  Bill suggested we use the State Bowling Association constitution as a guideline for our association.  Bill B. and Spider Weaver were appointed to the Tournament Committee.  Spider was appointed to head the committee.  Harvey Poynter was appointed to the Membership Committee and Wayne Shofner was appointed to the Lane Inspection Committee.  Harvey P. spoke to the members about the Y.A.B.A.  He said we have been overlooking our youth bowlers and thinks we should be more supportive.  Bill B. brought up bowlers who have quit leagues owing money.  After discussing the problem the members agreed bowlers owing money should have there cards pulled but the league secretaries would need to turn the bowlers names into the association secretary.  John B. asked Spider to have the Tournament Committee put together four tournaments for the upcoming season. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made, seconded and passed.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.



Lewis Jones Jr.

M.C.B.A. secretary