Madison County Bowling Association

Board Of Directors Meeting

July 6, 2004 @ 7:00 PM


Roll Call 

Bill Bradley, Bill Hare, Lewis Jones Jr., Worth McGuire, Mike Moody, Harvey Poynter, Wayne Shofner, Michael Weaver


Lewis Jones Jr. called the meeting to order.  A motion to dismiss with the reading of the minutes got a second and passed.  Mike Moody asked the board about using both bowling centers for the state tournament.  Spider Weaver and Bill Bradley told the board that having two houses was one of the reasons we were able to get the state tournament.  Mike asked what the board wanted to do about the bowling shirts and towels that he has been checking into.  He said they would be embroidered at the store in Berea and we could order an amount we thought we could sell and by more if we need to.  Bill Hare said Dustin Woolery would have information about the shirts he has been checking on so the board decided to wait to the next meeting to decide on what to do about the shirts and towels.  The board also discussed the State Jamboree reminding the members about the meeting Sunday July 11 at 9:00 AM.  Lewis told the board that we need to do the lane inspections.  The board also discussed ordering the Brackman Software for the state tournament brackets.  The board voted to buy the Brackman Standard Version of the software for $299.  The board discussed the State Tournament booklet about the Richmond area to take to the state jamboree.  The members voted to get 250 copies of the booklet to hand out at the jamboree.  Lewis asked the board for financial help with the  After a short discussion the board voted to pay the yearly fee of $99 for the website.  The board set the next meeting for Aug. 3, 2004 at Galaxy Bowling Center.  The meeting will start at 7:00 PM.


Lewis Jones Jr.


Madison County Bowling Association