M.C.B.A.’s  Meeting Minutes For April 8, 2003 @ 7:10 P.M.


John Beranek

Carla Beranek

Johnnie Culton

Eli Harness

Lewis Jones Jr.

Everett King

Mike Moody

John Poynter

Meeting Minutes

President John Beranek called the meeting of the M.C.B.A to order.  A motion to dismiss the reading of the minutes was made, seconded and passed.  John B. started the meeting by appointing Eli Harness, Mike Moody, Everett King and Johnnie Culton to the Tournament and Rules Committee.  He also appointed John Poynter and himself to the Lane Inspection Committee.  A motion was made to the board to evoke the bylaw concerning missing board meetings without an excuse and remove Gordy Hall and David Whittamore to make room for bowlers who might be interested in joining the Board of Directors.  The motion to remove Gordy Hall got a second and passed 8-0.  The motion to remove David Whittamore got a second and passed 8-0.  John B. asked about the upcoming Double Sweeper at Galaxy Center.  The Tournament Committee reported on the date, time and who would be working the tournament.  John then asked if there was any new business.  Mike Moody reported about the caps he told the board he would check on at the last meeting.  The members discussed items like caps and mugs that the association could sell at the Women’s State Tournament and to league bowlers.  John B. took shirt sizes from the directors and said that the board would decide on the shirts in a month or two.  Mike M. asked if the board wanted to decide about the caps.  John Poynter suggested waiting till July to decide on the caps.  John Beranek told the board of the passing of one of our association members Eddie Simpson.  He asked if the board would want to donate some money to his family to help with expenses since he didn’t have any insurance.  Carla made a motion to give $500 to Eddie’s family.  The motion got a second and passed 8-0.  John B. asked if there were any other new business to report.  Johnnie Culton made a motion to meet every other month until the winter leagues start back.  The motion was seconded and passed 8-0.  Everett King talked about bringing the Special Olympics back to the local houses.  The board discussed Everett’s idea and thought it would be a great idea.  John P. reported to the board that the Boy Scouts would be at Galaxy Center on April 6 and needed help if anyone were interested.  Lewis Jones Jr. told the board that A.B.C. voted down the planned merger with W.I.B.C., Y.A.B.A. and U.S.A. Bowling.  Carla B. told the board she would make copies of the April Doubles Sweeper flyer to pass out.  The board discussed the May Doubles Tournament.  A motion was made to move the tournament to June 8, 2003.  The motion got a second and passed.  Carla brought up advertising our tournaments in the newspaper.  The members discussed advertising the tournaments.  The board also talked about the low bowler turnout at the City Tournament and the monthly tournaments.  Also discussed possible ideas of increasing participation like increasing the prize money.  A motion to hold the next meeting on June 3, 2003 at was made, seconded and passed.  The meeting will be held at Galaxy Center at 7:00 PM.  A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed.  The meeting adjourned at 7.50 PM.


Lewis Jones Jr.

Secretary M.C.B.A.