M.C.B.A.’s  Meeting Minutes For Feb. 4, 2003 @ 7:15 P.M.


John Beranek

Carla Beranek

Johnnie Culton

Gordy Hall

Lewis Jones Jr.

Everett King

Mike Moody

Jack Noe

Breck Tyree

Meeting Minutes

President John Beranek called the meeting of the M.C.B.A to order.  John then took roll; nine (9) of eleven (11) directors were present.  John asked for a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes since the members present had a copy to read.  Dispensing the reading of the minutes got a motion, a second and passed 9-0.  John Beranek stated basically the meeting was to make sure someone would be working the city tournament.  The members talked about who would be able to work the tournament.  John B. reminded the members to talk to the league bowlers to get them to come out and bowl in the tournament.  Johnnie Culton reported to the board that he had confirmed our reservation at Ryan’s for Feb. 25 at 7:00 PM.  John B. told the members that if they know anyone interested in being a director to bring them to the meeting.  He said our board needs directors with fresh ideas.  Everett King reported to the board that he hadn’t had a chance to talk to Adelphia about placing an ad but would as soon as he could.  The members discussed getting bowlers to show up for the city tournament.  Also discussed the expiration of board members terms.  Jack Noe asked about the financial status of our association.  He suggested using some of the money to help bring in new bowlers.  The board discussed different ideas.  Carla Beranek suggested a bowling ball demo day.  Mike Moody suggested printing on caps and t-shirts to help advertise the leagues.  Lewis Jones Jr. suggested lowering the membership dues to make it more affordable.  Carla B. also suggested a $500 bowling scholarship, maybe holding a youth tournament and award the winner with the scholarship.  She also said we might could sponsor a youth traveling team.  Everett King suggested getting with another group or organization and co-sponsor an event like the youth tournament.  He said this would also draw those people into bowling.  Members talked about members of our association who might be interested in joining the board.  John B. said to get those people to the meeting.  Gordy Hall asked what would happen to the association funds when the associations combine.  Lewis said the money belongs to our association and it would be up to us to decide what to do with the money.  Mike M. told the board he would check on printed caps if the board thought it was a good idea.  John B. told Mike to go ahead and check then get back to the board.  The members also discussed paying for new members cards as an incentive to join a league.  The members also discussed getting pins and other things to promote bowling.  Advertising was also discussed as a way to promote our sport.  Breck Tyree said he would present an idea for the Hall Of Fame plague at our next meeting.  The member had a short discussion about the Hall Of Fame.  John B. said the Hall Of Fame Committee needs to put something together for the next meeting if possible or as soon as they could.  The board approved the rules for the March Doubles Tournament at Maroon Lanes 9-0.  Lewis said the tournament committee should have the April tournament rules ready by the next meeting.  He also said he would make flyers about the annual meeting to give to the leagues.  A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.  The motion got a second and passed 9-0.  The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.